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              NORDEON BALDUR


The Maplefields convenience store chain in Middlebury, Vermont opened the doors to a newly expanded facility in late August 2015, choosing Nordeon Baldur products to light the interior. The updated space expands the sales area with a new Italian restaurant, a “Starbucks-style” café, as well as additional seating and facilities for customers. It was important to Maplefields ownership for the new lighting to enhance the retail experience of its customers.


The Baldur was considered an ideal solution because it contained three important qualities; the lighting enhances the space, the system was adaptable, and it provides an accelerated payback.

Retail Aesthetics


The Nordeon Baldur LED light line system is well suited to retail applications where lighting is needed to highlight and direct the customer’s focus to the product selection. Baldur houses modules for general ambient lighting, as well as spots for accenting to address these needs. Stylishly designed for a consistent, homogenous look with minimized dimensions, the cross-section of Baldur is a mere 2.5” inches wide. This reduced profile minimizes visual clutter, giving shape to the environment.


The single trunking system provides the infrastructure for both general and accent lighting, making Baldur scalable and adjustable for future changes to the retail space.


Ease of Installation

David Shoop, owner of Shoop Electric in Vermont, was enthusiastic about the design of the Nordeon Baldur, which he describes as “cutting edge” and “very high-end”.  With many years of hands-on lighting experience, Shoop was impressed with the ease of installation of the Baldur.  He notes, “The system was one of the easiest installs we have ever had. Once we got started, we saw that the system was truly plug-n-play.”  This flexibility allows owners to easily reconfigure the lighting system to accommodate changes in store layout as needed for sales promotions, new product launches, or seasonal requirements.  


Two-year payback

The Nordeon Baldur light line system delivers energy savings and reduces the total cost of ownership by using state-of-the-art LED's.  High luminous efficacy up to 125 lumens per watt provides up to 50% reduction in energy compared to conventional systems, which also require frequent relamping and maintenance.  When combined with daylight dependent lighting controls, further energy savings are possible.  With this comprehensive approach, the Nordeon Baldur succeeds in providing a two year payback on investment, making it an attractive lighting solution for the retail store owner. 

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